
We have been using measure2improve since 2015 to capture & report delivery data from our medium scale capital engineering projects. The data is held within scorecards and modules, and dynamically generates email warnings at the appropriate times, the dashboards allow us to visualise the progress and issues, and the permissions and roles within the system mean we can provide our users with views which simplify the experience for them. measure2improve deliver an agile service and respond promptly to our requests, giving us sound advice and honest answers.

Anglian Water

Working with m2i since 2015, Anglian Water is the largest water and water recycling company in England and Wales by geographic area. They supply water and water recycling services to almost seven million people in the East of England and Hartlepool.

The brief

The integrated Operational Solutions (IOS) team manages and carries out proactive and reactive maintenance on infrastructure This involves around 250 people and an annual budget of £50m, spread across 1,000 jobs. The main requirement was to improve efficiency and reduce the administrative costs in managing the people and jobs across a wide geographic area with many offices, thousands of sites and a mobile workforce.

What we did

M2i’s management software has been in place for a number of years and has grown and adapted to the growing needs of the company. The software hosts a central register of jobs and sites with details of the personnel allocated to each. The Job lifecycle is modelled and supported by the system and automated workflow used to keep all stakeholders informed with personalised dashboards and alerts.

The outcome

The many individual tracker spreadsheets to manage jobs have been eliminated. All jobs are now efficiently managed by a central system accessible to all staff and communication for everyone involved in delivery is now simple and straightforward. Key stakeholders are alerted on what has happened (or not happened), with operatives now all using an integrated appointments system and diary. Site owners have visibility of forward plans and who is working on what jobs on any given day. Management reporting on all jobs by status, by person, by site etc. has greatly improved efficiency and reduced administration. Central teams can now analyse data on jobs and risks to manage the business. Operational risks are logged and re-directed to several teams for evaluation and delivery. Inspections and audits are carried out and the data used to ensure safety, compliance with standards and to progress jobs on a timely basis.

Get in touch to so we can give you a demo

Our m2i.SHEQ software will transform the way your company processes your health and safety data. One of our team would be delighted to show you how our system works and how it will improve your company's reporting.

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